Index of Publications. Issues nos. 1-120, 1955-1996
This is an attempt to comprehensively index all past published issues of the Amateur Yacht Research Society. It contains references to articles, authors, boats, and experiments from the AYRS’s inception in 1955, up to Publication #120. This web version of the index is a collaborative effort, expanding on earlier work by various AYRS members, formatted and converted to HTML by Dave Culp and others. Please report any errors found to Dave, so that we may fix them. This index is copyright to the Amateur Yacht Research Society. Please refer to AYRS copyright policy.
The index is heavily cross referrenced. For instance, articles pertaining to Dr. James Grogono’s hydrofoil catamaran Icarus may be found in Chapters 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
Note : A number of the articles indexed herein are not currently available on the World Wide Web. However, many of them are and we are adding to them steadily. The remaining back issues containing them can be purchased from the AYRS at modest cost (GBP 1.50 – 3.00), for the most part. Alternatuvely you can reuest upload of the relevant publication and we will see what we can do. Members receive every new publication, as they are printed. Won’t you consider joining the AYRS, so that one day we may be able to upload our entire library? The Amateur Yacht Research Society is a registered charity in England. Contributions are tax deductable in most countries.
AYRS Index Contents:
1) | Aerodynamics | wind effects (13 kb) |
2) | Construction | materials, design, structural stresses, costs (38 kb) |
3) | Cruising | accommodation, voyages (32 kb) |
4) | Dry sailing | ice boats, land yachts (6 kb) |
5) | Hull shape | float cross section shape (52 kb) |
6) | Hydrodynamics | theory, hull resistance, planing, steeering, keels, rudders, centreboards, daggerboards (42 kb) |
7) | Hydrofoils | theory, types, experience (77 kb) |
8) | Kites | hapas, gliders, tethered rigs (10 kb) |
9) | Model testing | instrumentation, scaling laws, test tanks, wind tunnels, experiments (27 kb) |
10) | Monohulls | types, canoes (11 kb) |
11) | Multihulls | catamarans, proas, trimarans (56 kb) |
12 A-D) | Named craft (A-D) | private names and model names, including names of generic designs (72 kb) |
12 E-M) | Named craft (E-M) | private names and model names, including names of generic designs (88 kb) |
12 N-S) | Named craft (N-S) | private names and model names, including names of generic designs (71 kb) |
12 T-Z) | Named craft (T-Z) | private names and model names, including names of generic designs (57 kb) |
13 A-D) | People (A-D) | authors, designers, sailors, book reviews, AYRS affairs (81 kb) |
13 E-M) | People (E-M) | authors, designers, sailors, book reviews, AYRS affairs (104 kb) |
13 N-S) | People (N-S) | authors, designers, sailors, book reviews, AYRS affairs (62 kb) |
13 T-Z) | People (T-Z) | authors, designers, sailors, book reviews, AYRS affairs (26 kb) |
14 A-M) | Pictures (A-M) | photos, technical drawings, lines plans, sketches (85 kb) |
14 N-Z) | Pictures (N-Z) | photos, technical drawings, lines plans, sketches (71 kb) |
15) | Projects | members’ research and amateur home building (63 kb) |
16) | Propulsion | human, engine – everything except wind, electrical wiring, equipment, generation and storage (11 kb) |
17) | Racing | race reports, handicapping and rating rules, classes (30 kb) |
18) | Safety | equipment, race rules (13 kb) |
19) | Sails and rigs | sail plans, masts and spars, design criteria, handling (82 kb) |
20) | Sailing theory | balance, angles, efficiency, performance, lateral stability, polars, speed reqirements (40 kb) |
21) | Seamanship | navigation, handling (9 kb) |
22) | Self steering | and other shorthanded equipment (36 kb) |
23) | Stability | accidents, capsizes, structural failure, motions and seakeeping (26 kb) |
24) | Wind turbines | theory and examples (6 kb) |