Index of Publications. Issues nos. 1-120, 1955-1996
bc = back cover
fc = front cover
ifc = inside cover
ibc = inside back cover
p = picture
* = superceded by later publication
#13 = Self Steering 3rd edition (earlier editions have different page nos)
#78 = Cruising catamarans 2nd edition (earlier edition has different page nos)
Issue names, dates and availability, ordering information
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Accident - impact by floating objects | #69 pp38 | Smith, A.J. | |
Accident - whale attack | AIRS-8 pp34 | McLean, Sgt. Tony | |
Accident - whale impact | #77 pp47 | Townley, Philip | |
Accident - whale impact | AIRS-2 pp40 | Wharram, James | |
Accident reporting, guide to | #69 pp121-127 | Shreve, Peter | |
Accidents - list | #63 pp76-78 | Morwood, John | |
Accidents to ice boats | AIRS-5 pp54 | Andrews, Richard A. | |
Accidents (overloading) | #44 pp54-56 | NIMBLE EVE | |
Accidents, 180 yachting | #48 pp35-42 | Tangvald, Peter | |
Accidents, ice boat | #66 pp92 | Andrews, Richard L. (Dick) | |
Accidents, multihull | #65 pp63-64 & 71-74 | Pelly, David | |
Board - Forces | #102 pp6-7 & 16-17 | Sailboards | |
Board - Forces | #105 pp43 | Sailboard aerodynamics: | |
Board - Forces | #119 pp43-47 | Resonance of sailboards | |
Bow burying/pitch poling | #28 pp7-8 | Morwood, John | |
Bow burying/pitch poling | #95 pp40 | Hannan, Douglas | |
Broaching | #120 pp71 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Capsize | #90 pp65 | Andrews, Richard A. | |
Capsize - flip over of tri | #77 pp26 | ||
Capsize - foilers | AIRS-4 pp29-30 | Burrough, Jock | |
Capsize - handling | #15 pp18-19 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize - hazards | #69 pp37-38 | Smith, A.J. | |
Capsize - instability of trimarans | #55 pp6-7 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize - reasons for | AIRS-5 pp44-48 | TORMENTOR | |
Capsize abandonment at sea of COLT CARS GB | #100 pp8 | ||
Capsize non-capsize of NIMBLE | #34 pp33-34 | Piver, Arthur | |
Capsize of multihulls | #8 pp24 | Dean, Guildford E. | |
Capsize of multihulls | #15 pp17-19 & 41-43 | Dumpleton, Owen | |
Capsize of multihulls | #55 pp7 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize of multihulls | #63 pp32-78 | Various | |
Capsize of multihulls | #73 pp57-60 & 73-75 | Cadwallader, John P. | |
Capsize of multihulls | AIRS-4 pp54-56 | Foggo, Martin N. | |
Capsize of multihulls | #84B pp4-5 | ||
Capsize of multihulls | #86 pp20-21 | Ellison, Michael | |
Capsize precautions | #69 pp88-90 | Mehaffey, W.R. | |
Capsize prevention | #60 pp15-28 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize prevention | #69 pp91-92 | Andrews, Jim | |
Capsize report | #69 pp86-87 | Crowther, Lock | |
Capsize report catamaran | #8 pp24 | Dean, Guildford E. | |
Capsize report catamaran | #15 pp41-43 | Dumpleton, Owen | |
Capsize report catamaran | #69 pp55-58, 130-136 & 142-143 | Buzzard, J.H. | |
Capsize report catamaran | #75 pp77-78 | ||
Capsize report catamaran | AIRS-5=8 | ||
Capsize report catamaran | AIRS-11 pp36 | ||
Capsize report catamaran | #102 pp27-29 | Cranch, Ivan | |
Capsize report trimaran | #52 pp74-75 | Peacock, D. | |
Capsize report trimaran | #60 pp20-28 | Mosselmans, Roger | |
Capsize report trimaran | #63 pp44-54 | Heywood, Brookes | |
Capsize report trimaran | #69 pp62-64 & 137-141 | ||
Capsize report trimaran | AIRS-4 pp54-56 | Foggo, Martin N. | |
Capsize report trimaran | #84B pp4-5 | Various | |
Capsize report trimaran | #86 pp20-29 | Ellison, Michael | |
Capsize report trimaran | #95 pp42 | Crowther, Lock | |
Capsize righting | #78 pp36 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize righting aids after capsize | #90 pp65 | Andrews, Richard A. | |
Capsize righting catamaran | #38 pp49-52 | Needham, V.E. | |
Capsize righting catamaran | #54 pp71-74 | Ashford, Paul | |
Capsize righting catamaran | #63 pp54-57 | Lautier, E. Burnaby | |
Capsize righting catamaran | #72 pp84-88 | Jawniszko, Ludomic | |
Capsize righting catamaran | #86 pp39-47 | Various | |
Capsize righting methods | #63 pp42 | Burrough, Jock | |
Capsize righting moment of trimaran | #43 pp50-52 | Yorke, Gerald S. | |
Capsize righting multihull | #77 pp61-62 | Norfolk, Derek W. | |
Capsize righting multihull | AIRS-4 pp57-59 | Redman, F. | |
Capsize righting multihull | #95 pp25-32 | Various | |
Capsize righting proa | #29 pp14-15 | Bierberg, A.E. | |
Capsize righting proa | #33 pp16-17 | Smallwood, T.O. | |
Capsize righting trimaran | #55 pp22-23 | Nicol, Hedly | |
Capsize righting trimaran | #65 pp48-51 | Mendonca, Joao | |
Capsize righting trimaran | #69 pp82-83 & 100-113 | Rhodes, Bernard U. | |
Capsize safety system | AIRS-5 pp23 | Whitehead, I.E. | |
Capsize seaworthiness | #70 pp99 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Capsize self righting | #63 pp74-75 | Piver, Arthur | |
Capsize self righting | #65 pp68-70 | Butterfield, Mike | |
Capsize self righting | #69 pp92-100 | Benyon-Tinker, Fred | |
Capsize self righting | #76 pp117 | Posnett, Michael | |
Capsize self righting | #77 pp58-60 | Andrews, Richard A. | |
Capsize self righting | #78 pp242-251 | Henderson, Michael | |
Capsize self righting | #88 pp30 | ||
Capsize self righting | #90 pp28 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize survival drill | #69 pp87-88 | Cullen, Walton H. | |
Capsize theory multihull | #59 pp46-47 | Morwood, John | |
Capsize tri theory | #73 pp57-60 | Tiemann, Leonard L. | |
Collision/run down | #53 pp21 | Tangvald, Peter | |
Collision/run down | #69 pp87 | Crowther, Lock | |
Collision/run down | #75 pp84-86 | Ellison, Michael | |
Collision/run down | AIRS-3 pp14 & 29 | OSTAR | |
Collision/run down | AIRS-7 ppc | ||
Collision/run down | AIRS-8=7-8 | Cross, Norman A. | |
Failure - broken mooring chains | AIRS-9 pp29 | Meek, W. | |
Failure - dismasting | #69 pp38 | Smith, A.J. | |
Failure - dismasting | AIRS-6 pp16-17 | McLean, Sgt. Tony | |
Failure - equipment | #75 pp41 & 62 | ELECTRON | |
Failure - equipment | AIRS-3 pppassim | OSTAR | |
Failure - equipment - incorrect installation | #77 pp41 | de Marin, Dora S. | |
Failure - equipment - sail | #75 pp74 | APACHE | |
Failure - equipment on TRIXIA | #75 pp84 | Westell, John | |
Failure - equipment Roller Furling | #69 pp66-67 | Glenn, Marvin | |
Failure - faults in Telstar cruising tri | AIRS-11 pp21 | Ellison, Michael | |
Failure - problems with wishbone rig | #11 pp23-24 | Fenger, Frits | |
Failure - rigging | AIRS-3 pp26-27 | TOUCAN/KOMODOR | |
Failure - Rotastay | #86 pp18 | QUEST | |
Failure - rudder | #69 pp38 | Smith, A.J. | |
Failure - rudder | AIRS-5 pp14 | Weycham, Paul | |
Failure - rudder | AIRS-7 pp61 | present at Crystal Trophy | |
Failure - self steering | #75 pp37 | LEEN VALLEY VENTURERE | |
Failure - structural | #43 pp56-60 | Leaf, Robin | |
Failure - structural | #69 pp34 & 38-39 | Smith, A.J. | |
Failure - structural | #78 pp95 | Stanley, J. | |
Failure - structural | #86 pp3 | ||
Failure - structural | #92 pp42-44 | Evans, R.Q.E. | |
Failure - windows, pushed | #69 pp58-62 | Atkinson, A.C. | |
Failure during race | AIRS-3=7-11 | Ellison, Michael | |
Failure during race | AIRS-11 pp31 | ||
Failure during race | #80 pp4 & 11 | Ellison, Michael | |
Failure during race | #86 pp10-13 | ||
Failure during race | #96 pp13 | Ellison, Michael | |
Failure during race | #100 pp15-17 | results | |
Failure self steering problems | #13 pp7-8 | Herbert, Tom | |
Failures, gear | #83A=31 | ||
Fire risk on Telstar | AIRS-11 pp26 | Ellison, Michael | |
Float burying on trimaran | #1 pp18 | Morwood, John | |
Grounding on rocks/reefs | #47 pp23-24 | Piver, Arthur | |
Grounding on rocks/reefs | #55 pp14-18 | Morwood, John | |
Grounding on rocks/reefs | #69 pp67-69 | Glenn, Marvin | |
Grounding on rocks/reefs | #77 pp62-64 | Martin, Ralph | |
Hazards, Multihull, Area for Forethought | #69 pp36 | Smith, A.J. | |
Hobby-horsing in cats | #39 pp54-55 | Allen, Julian | |
Human fatigue | AIRS-8=4 | Bennett, Glin | |
Motions | #106 pp8-14 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Motions - bow burying - lee - cat | #28 pp7-8 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - bow burying & pitch poling - cat | #95 pp40 | Hannan, Douglas | |
Motions - broaching | #55 pp10-13 | Piver, Arthur | |
Motions - broaching | #63 pp71-74 | Piver, Arthur | |
Motions - broaching | #65 pp74 | Burrough, Jock | |
Motions - broaching | #70 pp99 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Motions - due to float shape | #59 pp40 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - effect on crew | #106 pp13 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Motions - heel angle - optimum | #113 pp18-19 | Hannay, Ian | |
Motions - heel control by Bruce foils | #84A pp7-19 | Morss, Henry A. | |
Motions - heeling moment reduction in monohulls by hydrofoils | #4 | Stover, Harry | |
Motions - hydrofoil in waves | #101 pp19-23 | Frank, Reg | |
Motions - in a seaway | #103 pp54-56 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - in a seaway | #106 pp11 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Motions - JUANA tri | #34 pp44-45 | Brown, James | |
Motions - Motion controls | #112 pp62-67 | Culp, Dave | |
Motions - multihull breakaway | #13 pp154-157 | Burrough, Jock | |
Motions - multihull breakaway | #61 pp20-22 | Hogg, John | |
Motions - multihull handling | #104 pp26-27 | Ellison, Michael | |
Motions - multihull leap | #60 pp19-20 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - multihull leap | #62 pp101 | Newick, Dick | |
Motions - multihull leap | #63 pp57-62 | Piver, Arthur | |
Motions - multihull surfing | #13 pp150-154 | Howell/Burrough | |
Motions - pitching | #57 pp49-50 | Tangvald/Morwood | |
Motions - pitching | #59 pp37 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - pitching | #64 pp61-62 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - pitching | #78 pp32-34 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - pitchpoling | #84A pp16-17 | Morss, Henry A. | |
Motions - pitchpoling | #95 pp42 | Crowther, Lock | |
Motions - pitch/heel interaction | #61 pp72-95 | Bowden, Lt. Col. Claude E. | |
Motions - porpoising | #95 pp40 | Hannan, Douglas | |
Motions - reduction centreboards | #69 pp27-31 | Brown, Jim | |
Motions - roll reduction | #2 pp9-12* | Morwood, John | |
Motions - roll reduction | #53 pp41-42 | Griffiths, Maurice | |
Motions - roll reduction | AIRS-4=4 | Cheng, Robert | |
Motions - roll reduction | AIRS-6 pp37-38 | Stover, Harry | |
Motions - roll reduction | #106 pp16 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Motions - rolling | #5 pp32-33 | Satterthwaite, Charles A. | |
Motions - rolling | #57 pp49-50 | Tangvald/Morwood | |
Motions - rolling of cats | #78 pp32 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - rolling through 360 degrees | #94 pp3-7 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - seakeeping of hydrofoils | #97 pp27 | ||
Motions - seakindliness | #5 pp31-33 | Satterthwaite, Charles A. | |
Motions - seakindliness | #53 pp20-28, 34-35 & 47 | Tangvald, Peter | |
Motions - seakindliness | #57 pp44-50 | Thomson, John Herndon | |
Motions - seakindliness | AIRS-10=9-10 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - seakindliness | #100 pp5-6 | Rhodes, Bernard U. | |
Motions - seakindliness | #103 pp53-56 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - surfing | #65 pp74 | Burrough, Jock | |
Motions - surfing multihulls & steering | #71 pp69 | Morwood, John | |
Motions - surfriding | #69 pp36 | Brown, Jim | |
Motions - trimaran | #55 pp8-18 | Piver, Arthur | |
Motions - wave loading - impulsive | #52 pp67-70 | Miller, Reg | |
Motions - waves | #77 pp54-58 | Laurie, Peter | |
Motions - waves - nature of | #94 pp7 | Bratt, R.R.A. (Reg) | |
Motions - waves, boats in steep | AIRS-8 pp57-61 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Motions - waves, ocean | AIRS-2 pp31-32 | Hagedoorn, J.G. | |
Pitch damping | #120 pp33 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Pitching stabilisation by hydrofoil | #120 pp108-113 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Roll stabilisation by hydrofoil | #120 pp113-120 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Safety - capsize recommendations | #75 pp86 | Ellison, Michael | |
Safety - James Wharram designs, Safety of | #104 pp10 | ||
Seamanship - lookout (collision) | #77 pp19 | Various | |
Seamanship - watchkeeping systems | #80 pp4 | Ellison, Michael | |
Seaworthiness | #70 pp98-101 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Seaworthiness | #106 pp8-14 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Seaworthiness of catamarans | #15 pp17-18 | Morwood, John | |
Seaworthiness of cats | #78 pp41-42 | Morwood, John | |
Seaworthiness, cruiser | #110 pp33 | Hannay, Ian | |
Stability | #77 pp54-58 | Laurie, Peter | |
Stability | #113 pp14-21 | Hannay, Ian | |
Stability - aerodynamic | #58 pp33-40 | Parham, H.J. | |
Stability - aerodynamic | AIRS-5 pp55 | Andrews, Richard A. | |
Stability - aerodynamic | #106 pp16-22 | Sinclair, Fiona | |
Stability - and Seaworthiness - New Approach | #52 pp67-70 | Miller, Reg | |
Stability - ballast, aerodynamic | #58 pp30-40 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - ballast, aerodynamic | #90 pp5-6, 56 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - ballast, mercury | #94 pp9-10 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - ballast, movable | #94 pp7-14 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - ballast, water | #4 pp21 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - ballast, water | #23 pp24 | Bloemhard, Walter J. | |
Stability - ballast, water | #70 pp38 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - ballast, water | #86 pp22-23 | MOCRA | |
Stability - ballast, water | #94 pp11 | Sully, Ken | |
Stability - beam | #77 pp17 | Various | |
Stability - cat v tri | #38 pp8-13 | Gunning/Allen | |
Stability - critical overturning wind velocity | #64 pp83 | Bruce, Edmond | |
Stability - cruiser | #110 pp32 | Hannay, Ian | |
Stability - curves - trimaran | #68 pp68-71 | Crowther, Lock | |
Stability - directional - natural self-steering - balance | #13 pp15-17 & 32-33 | Sail balance & tuning | |
Stability - directional (yaw) | #120 pp72-76 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Stability - dory | AIRS-8 pp57-61 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Stability - dynamic | #106 pp11 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Stability - factor | #113 pp20-21 | Hannay, Ian | |
Stability - formulae for catamarans | #42 pp29-34 | Wonder, J.H.Th. | |
Stability - formulae for catamarans | #63 pp35-37 | Butterfield, Mike | |
Stability - Hull motion sails | #106 pp16 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Stability - hydrofoils | #19 pp30-32 | Hook, Christopher | |
Stability - hydrofoils | #74 pp19 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - hydrofoils | AIRS-4 pp30 | Replies | |
Stability - hydrofoils | AIRS-6 pp38-41 | Frank, Reg | |
Stability - hydrofoils - fore & aft and lateral | #2 pp14-15* | Morwood, John | |
Stability - in waves | #106 pp12 | Marchaj, Tony | |
Stability - kayak | AIRS-8 pp57-61 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Stability - lateral of foils | #76 pp3-6* | Bruce, Edmond | |
Stability - metacentric height | #53 pp34 | Tangvald, Peter | |
Stability - micro multihulls | #95 pp25-26 | Woods, Richard | |
Stability - multihull | #67 pp46-49 | Harris, Robert B. (Bob) | |
Stability - multihull | #73 pp55-57 | Gunning, Max F. | |
Stability - multihull | AIRS-8 pp57-61 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Stability - multihull | #106 pp28-31 | Myers/Kruschev | |
Stability - paravane experiments on YCA Moody 34 | #107 pp17-24 | Ashford, Paul | |
Stability - polynesian cat | AIRS-8 pp57-61 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Stability - proa | AIRS-9 pp46-52 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Stability - righting | #69 pp72-75 | Rands, Maxwell B. | |
Stability - righting curves | #34 pp54-55 | Fulton, Jack | |
Stability - towing | #45 pp9-12* | Bruce, Edmond | |
Stability - towing | #52 pp71-72 | Piver, Arthur | |
Stability - towing | AIRS-3 pp11-15 | OSTAR | |
Stability - transverse | #44 pp10-11 | Morwood, John | |
Stability - transverse static stiffness (sail carrying power) | #5 pp23-28 | Satterthwaite, Charles A. | |
Stability - tri foiler | AIRS-8 pp18 | Turberville-Smith, Geoffrey | |
Stability - trimarans | #60 pp36-40 | Westell, John | |
Stability - Wave instability on multihulls | #86 pp25 | ||
Stability formulae cat | #63 pp35-37 | Butterfield, Mike | |
Stability of multihulls | #42 pp29-34 | Wonder, J.H.Th. | |
Stability of multihulls | #63 pp35-37 | Butterfield, Mike | |
Stability of multihulls | #73 pp55-57 | Gunning, Max F. | |
Stability of multihulls | AIRS-8 pp57-61 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Stability of multihulls | AIRS-9 pp46-52 | Norwood, Joseph | |
Stability of multihulls | #106 pp28-31 | Myers/Kruschev | |
Survival - Fastnet race tragedy 1979 | #94 pp2-3 | Ellison/Morwood | |
Survival - overloading of tenders | #88 pp41 | ||
Weather/Storms | #21 pp15-16 | McCloskey, Richard | |
Weather/Storms | #34 pp16-22 | Piver, Arthur | |
Weather/Storms | #69 pp35 | Brown, Jim | |
Weather/Storms | #70 pp99 | Leakey, R.D. | |
Weather/Storms | #77 pp65-68 | Reitz, Raymond J.P. | |
Weather/Storms | #106 pp23-27 | ||
Weather/Storms handling | #44 pp30-31 | Piver, Arthur | |
Weather/Storms handling | #53 pp17-21 | Tangvald, Peter | |
Weather/Storms handling | #60 pp71-74 | Hart, Norm | |
Weather/Storms Tides, Sun, Moon, Gravity | #94 pp38-39 | May, Kenneth |
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