Zoom Mtg. 2 May -Building a Sliding Seat Rowing Boat – John Perry

For our previous meeting John covered the design of a sliding seat recreational rowing boat, he now continues with a description of the construction process including having the plywood parts all cut out by water jet.  The presentation ends with a few pictures of the boat in use.

A recording of the meeting is here:

Here is a recording of this meeting

These recordings are not edited so they do include a bit of chatting at start and end of the meetings – you may use the slider bar to skip bits that are not of interest!

2 thoughts on “Zoom Mtg. 2 May -Building a Sliding Seat Rowing Boat – John Perry

  • 6th June 2020 at 18:56

    Hi Alan – I don’t know why some of these recordings need a passport to open – we did not intend there to be a requirment for a password. Does anyone here know why this might be? I will see if I can find out about it. John

  • 23rd May 2020 at 15:54

    I’d like to view the above session – building a sliding seat rowing boat – but it asks for a password when I go to the link. Can you tell me how to access it?


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