The 56th Annual General Meeting of the AYRS will be held on Sunday 26th January 2020 at the Village Hall, Thorpe, Surrey, TW20 8TE, UK starting at or after 4.00 pm (after the all-day AYRS meeting). The AGM is open to all members and guests, but only paid-up members may vote.
1) Apologies for Absence.
2) Minutes of the 55th Meeting held on 20th January 2019 at the Village Hall, Thorpe, Surrey.
3) Chairman’s Report.
4) Treasurer’s Report and Accounts
5) Confirmation of President and Vice-Presidents, Election of Officers and Committee Members.
6) To appoint a Reporting Accountant for the year.
7) Amendment of the Articles of Association.
8) Any Other Business
9) Vote of thanks to the helpers of the society.
Previous Minutes: The draft minutes of the 55th AGM are on the AYRS website (in the Forum).
Chairman & Treasurer’s Reports and Accounts: These will also be found on the AYRS website.
Officers and Committee Elections:
We have vacancies for: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, & Treasurer (who also acts as Membership Secretary). Job descriptions for these positions will be posted on the AYRS Website.
Under our rules, Committee Members Marcus Lee and John Perry have completed their current terms of office. They are willing to be re-elected.
All nominations should be submitted to the Committee, preferably by email to, as soon as possible. Note: Nominees may be asked to post on this Forum a statement of their skills and of what they will bring to the Committee.
Nominations received will be posted in the AYRS Discussion Forum in the Members section.
Reporting Accountant: The Committee propose that Robin Fautley be re-appointed.
The changes to the Articles of Association are intended to achieve three things.
- To shorten the period of notice required for AGM business to 31 days before the AGM date.
- To permit the Committee to meet by video conferencing etc and to be quorate while so doing.
- To permit us to give notice of general meetings by email and by posting business on the website instead of in Catalyst or in letters such as this.
Details will be found by following the links on
Any Other Business: Any items for formal consideration are to be submitted by 24th December 2019, but items for informal discussion may be notified to the current Chairman up to two days before the meeting.