Zoom Mtg. 11 April 2020 – A ‘Rescue Float’ for Beach Lifeguards – Kim Fisher

Kim Fisher presented the Rescue Float project which he is carrying out in collaboration with another AYRS member Chris Watson. 

The ‘Rescue Float’ is a simple craft intended for use by beach lifeguards.  Beach lifeguards today use surf boards or powered craft such as RIBs or jet skis. The ‘Rescue Float’ fits between these options in that it is more suitable than a surfboard for carrying a casualty or giving first aid but it is less expensive and easier to transport and launch than a powered craft.

The meeting was recorded, if you missed the meeting you can view the recording at this link:


Note that the recording misses out the first few minutes of Kim’s Power Point presentation, this is what happened at before the start of the recording:

Kim began by introducing the project and showed video of trials of the first prototype that was mainly built by Chris Watson. Kim then went on to detail the construction for the current slightly longer prototype and the first PowerPoint slide you see in the link above shows a cross section of the craft, showing how the two identical GRP mouldings are joined together.

The Zoom system worked well and we will be holding another Zoom meeting soon, the date and joining link will be announced on this website as well as being emailed to those AYRS members who have provided their email address.   As with our conventional meetings, these Zoom meetings are open to all who have an interest in our subject matter.  

The next Zoom meeting is likely to be a presentation about the design, construction and use of a sliding seat rowing boat intended for general recreational use and camping trips.  We will need subject matter for future meetings so do please get in contact if you might be able to offer something.

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