Welcome to the AYRS Forum
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:14 pm
Welcome to the new AYRS Forum - the place to discuss developments in yacht science.
Once registered you will find you have limited access to most of the forums. Some of them are restricted to paid-up AYRS members (well, they do need some privileges for their money), but in most you will be able to read, reply, and raise topics.
Newcomers are invited to post something about themselves here, so we all know what your interests and background are.
(Note: All newcomers posts are subject to approval before they can appear on the forum. We regret this, but the amount of off-topic spam we are getting makes it necessary. Spammers will get banned however.)
Once registered you will find you have limited access to most of the forums. Some of them are restricted to paid-up AYRS members (well, they do need some privileges for their money), but in most you will be able to read, reply, and raise topics.
Newcomers are invited to post something about themselves here, so we all know what your interests and background are.
(Note: All newcomers posts are subject to approval before they can appear on the forum. We regret this, but the amount of off-topic spam we are getting makes it necessary. Spammers will get banned however.)